Any amount helps us continue
our mission to reach those who may not know Christ is for all people.

Ways to contribute financially to our church.


We use Vanco services for our online donations. Automated payments are available online. Vanco is trusted by more churches than anyone else to process secure and safe online payments. Click here to DONATE TODAY.

By Mail

Many individuals choose to use checks and/or money orders to send in their tithes and offerings by the post office. If you’d like to do so, please mail it to our new mailing address:

Love MCC
2309 N Decatur Blvd. Suite A
Las Vegas, NV 89108

In Person

As we are meeting in person, you may choose to give your offerings and tithes during regular services. We have offering envelopes in the Rainbow Room, or ask an usher prior to service starting to get one. We are also exploring ways to make safer options, such as mobile online giving for you and your family to participate in this act of worship.